- Term Of Services -

By Mlice - July 2024

Pardon my english !
- Version française -

These TOS also concerns rewards and commissions ordered through Patreon.

It's important you learn about these TOS before commmissioning me an artpiece, digital or traditional. You will indeed find here all the informations about its completion and what are your rights on it.

Art is my main and only job. I am officially registered to the French income taxes.
You can contact me through the contact form available on the "COMMISSIONS" page or through Telegram.

When you order me an artpiece, you agree with the following terms :

I / Ordering

Firstly, notice that I'm not always available to commissions. To know if I am open or closed at the moment, consult the "COMMISSIONS" tab.
If I'm open, you can apply by writing me through Telegram or sending me a commission form.

Make sure to be the clearest possible.
You can send me pictures/drawings/photos references to precise your idea or simply describe it by text.
Most of the time I'll answer you in 48h.
If I accept your project, I will evaluate the pricing and delay regarding the amount of work, and then I'll send you a quotation.

If pricing and time of completion suit you, we will process to the next step : the payment.

II / Pricing & payment

Pricing may vary regarding the medium and your project complexity.
For a global idea about my pricing, some key lists are avaible in the "COMMISSIONS" tab. 

Regarding the payment, PayPal is preferred.
It is possible to proceed by bank transfer depending on your location and the price of your order.

You have to fully pay your order beforhand.

  • Always in EUROS. (EUR - €)

I systematically produce invoice but not necessarily send it to private customers. Don't hesitate to claim it if needed.

III / Process

After payment reception, I'll start to work.
In the case of Patreon's rewards, I don't send WiP (Work in Progress) except a quick sketch for watercoloured portraits.

First of all, I draw one or several "roughs" of the scene or character you ordered.
A rough is a really quick and synthetic sketch of the picture, it depicts the project's composition and its global ambiance.
You'd be able to validate or choose which direction suit you the better : tell me if there are things to adjust or even if we change everything ! It is the only step from which we can go back to zero.
When the rough is validated, I'll do the sketch. I draw all my sketch digitaly, even in the case of traditional commissions. When I'm done, I send it to you. Be really careful about all the details. It's the last step where I'm able to do some modifications.

ccording to the medium, this step is a linchpin.
From here, in particular regarding tradtional media, you won't be able to step forward.

Next, I'll ink the sketch.
I use the word "inking" to refere to the outlines but the method may vary : Pen, pencils, painting, digital...
I will send you overview of this inking to inform you about my progession. I'm still able to adjust some little details on a digital line if you target a last minute mistake, but as you can deduce, on a traditional one, I can't.

Then, colouring, here the process and overview will depend on the medium :

  • Digital art, I'll send you WiP regularly ; one for the flat colours, and then another when shadowing is done. The first overview allow to fix colours' mistakes I could have done. When everything is fine, I will propably continue to let you know frequently about the progression of my work untill it's finished. I'm used to send a lot of updates !

    Traditional art, I will regularly send you photos of the process. The more possible in order to adjust my work the best I can regarding your feedbacks. Keep in mind that traditional colours are limited by pigments I'm using : it will never be the same that you see on your computer's screen.

Finally, I send you the finished artpiece, duly completed and signed. No step forward, no refund possible.

IV / Delay

Delay may vary between 1 to 3 months.
This time completion depends on events I'm attending and also on the amount of work your order need.

In the instance of this 3 months not being enough to finish your picture, I will let you know about my schedule to be sure that we can adjust it together.

Rarest scenarii can impact the completion of your commission : Personal issues, as for exemple, physical injuries. In the same way as before, you will systematically be informed about these potential restrictions.

When the delay doesn't fit or no more fits you, it's totally possible to cancel your commission. If you already paid, there is a refund scale in order to compensate you in function of my work's progression.

V / Refunds

Refunds are possible, their amount vary regarding the commission's completion.

  • ▷ If I haven't started yet : 100%
    ▷ After the rough : 80 %
    ▷ After the sketch : 60%
    ▷ After inking/lining : 40%
    ▷ No refund possible later.

Quickly contact me if you need a refund.

VI / What you're buying !

Most of the time, when you're buying a traditional artpiece, you'll receive a physic version : the original art, I can also provide a digital version of the artpiece.
You could actually only buy the digitized file : Price will be lower, but you're therefore will never be in possession of the original art, that so would be mine.

However, be carefull, it happens that I don't propose digitized version of traditional commissions.
It's for exemple the case of the watercoloured sketches from Patreon.

By buying the orinal art, you will have to dispose of the shipping fees.
Then it will be up to you to chose the shipping conditions ;Tracked, countersigned...

Digital artpiece and digitized arts will be sent to you by email or Telegram in its higher definition.
I don't sell digital version of my art with the access of all the layers, thanks for your understanding !

VII / Your rights, my rights

Be sure to respect the following restrictions :

You're not allowed to ;

  • ▷ Sell the digital file of the artpiece.
    ▷ Sell reproduction of the artpiece, it includes prints and goodies. It also concerns online customing website.
    ▷ Order customised item with the artpiece charged by another artist, crafter, builder or business.
    ▷ Spread the artpiece without credits.
    ▷ Modify the artpiece. (Contact me if corrections are needed.)

You're allowed to ;

  • ▷ Diffuse freely the artpiece around you : but please make sure to always credit me !
    ▷ Print the artpiece for your personal use only.

My rights ;

  • ▷  I'm allowed to use the artpiece for my communication, diffuse it on all my different blogs, websites, portfolios, social medias, artbooks...
    ▷ I'm allowed to use the artpiece to produce prints and goodies to make profit.
    ▷ I'm allowed to sell the original of the artpiece if you didn't buy it.

These points are relative to my artist status copyrights, they are the same for all the artists declaring their taxes in Europe.

Thanks a lot for your attention and understanding ! Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any question !
Talk to you soon !